
Showing posts from March, 2022

Ok Groomer

While everyone was ranting and raving about Will Smith, many neglected to notice the amount of people at the Oscars who thought they were owning the cons or some such by saying the word Gay, because they have not read anything longer than a tweet about the matter, or any matter at all really. Ron Pearlman had  this  absolutely dogshit take about the matter yesterday, and seems to think the bill actually bans people from saying gay, because why bother to do research when you can just be knee jerk outraged? I don't know what people expected when they labeled concerned parents "domestic terrorists"  for coming to board meetings with legitimate concerns about their child's education. Concern they wouldn't have had if they didn't hear the things teachers are saying to their kids from the next room over when you locked the entire fucking country down. What did you think was going to happen, the Parents would just stop looking into what was going on at their child