
Ok Groomer

While everyone was ranting and raving about Will Smith, many neglected to notice the amount of people at the Oscars who thought they were owning the cons or some such by saying the word Gay, because they have not read anything longer than a tweet about the matter, or any matter at all really. Ron Pearlman had  this  absolutely dogshit take about the matter yesterday, and seems to think the bill actually bans people from saying gay, because why bother to do research when you can just be knee jerk outraged? I don't know what people expected when they labeled concerned parents "domestic terrorists"  for coming to board meetings with legitimate concerns about their child's education. Concern they wouldn't have had if they didn't hear the things teachers are saying to their kids from the next room over when you locked the entire fucking country down. What did you think was going to happen, the Parents would just stop looking into what was going on at their child...


As America watches the trucks of the great white north protest by means of impersonating their chief export, Branta Canadensis, it gives them hope that Colombia might some day kick piece of shit Uncle Sam to the curb. The blatantly abusive relationship the people of the United States have with their own government went sour long ago. The government has been little more that a band of marauders and bandits for longer than the majority (if not the entirety) of America's population has been alive, which makes it increasingly frustrating to see our neighbors to the north have more of a backbone than US. Nevertheless, this is a time for solidarity with our once loyalistic brothers.  In keeping with this spirit of solidarity, let us all stand together to point and laugh at the woketivist wankers in Ottowa who are reaping the consequences of what they supported. Yes, I'll go ahead and say it since it seems like no one else is willing, if you supported the vaccine mandates, if you supp...

Tyranny of the Committee

As fun as it is to make fun of our glorious premier Josef Bidenov I would be remiss if I did not remind you that the primary power of the state lies in congress, and that the insidious nature of the deep state lies not in the presidency and other significant positions but the masses of petty bureaucrats and congressional committees. I will go as far as to say that a handful of Diane DeGettes and Robert Byrds are more powerful than a single Joe Biden. Even so, when people think of corruption in high places, they think of the accusations of nepotism tossed at Trump or Hunter Biden smoking crack, banging chinese spy-hookers (or his niece...gross) and selling meetings with his father to people with the money to pay for such, however, they rarely think too much about their local congress critter and the countless dollars they take from various corporate cronies to ensure their place on a committee they’re under-qualified to be on. Congressional corruption is not only more common and more wi...

Don't Be a Victim

One of my MMA instructors has perfected the response to idiotic pacifists who think they're morally superior because they don't carry weapons, take martial arts classes, or have any other means of defending themselves because they "don't believe in violence". One day he was giving a presentation about the martial arts classes and someone said that and his response was "yeah, well, violence believes in you". Humorous as it may be, it brings up a very important point. Violence happens regardless of what the victim believes, if violence only happened to people who believed the initiation of force against a peaceful person was a good thing, the world would be a much better place, but it doesn't.  I don't believe there's a single person alive or dead that has never been more than 3 degrees removed from some kind of violence. If they didn't get bullied in school, their friend did. If they didn't get mugged one of their coworkers did. If the...

Gun Control Stupidity

Of all the infringements of our basic right to self-protection, affirmed by the second amendment of the United States Constitution, HR-127, the bill proposed by Sheila Jackson Lee earlier this year, is the most egregious, the most dangerous, and the most blatantly unconstitutional. For starters, it would make millions of people across the nation felons overnight. Countless gun owners over the age of 18 yet under the age of 21 will be forced to turn in their legally obtained and owned firearms or otherwise become felons. Millions of other gun owners will be forced to turn in legally obtained firearms and firearm accessories or else become felons. Those few firearms left will be subject to a burdensome tax and worse will be made a matter of public record, so that no burglar will ever need to worry about which houses to violate. Any national gun registry will make the home addresses of all peaceful, law-abiding gun owners a matter of public record. Those who wish to rob and murder in safe...