Don't Be a Victim
One of my MMA instructors has perfected the response to idiotic pacifists who think they're morally superior because they don't carry weapons, take martial arts classes, or have any other means of defending themselves because they "don't believe in violence". One day he was giving a presentation about the martial arts classes and someone said that and his response was "yeah, well, violence believes in you". Humorous as it may be, it brings up a very important point. Violence happens regardless of what the victim believes, if violence only happened to people who believed the initiation of force against a peaceful person was a good thing, the world would be a much better place, but it doesn't.
I don't believe there's a single person alive or dead that has never been more than 3 degrees removed from some kind of violence. If they didn't get bullied in school, their friend did. If they didn't get mugged one of their coworkers did. If they didn't lose a loved one to violence someone they know did. Yet they go through 13 years of being told that they didn't get attacked, they got into a fight, that it didn't matter if it was self-defense, they have zero-tolerance. They leave those institutions and come into a world where a 17-year-old, more pious than most active politicians, rushed to defend the innocents from a violent mob, was denied the ability to retreat, and only after being cornered with no way out started making good communists, and was vilified, demonized and destroyed by major media outlets who outright lied both about situations leading up to the outbreak of rioting and about the incident he was involved in. After all this, they see horrific violence and still think that the desire to defend themselves makes them violent.
No amount of saying "violence never settles anything" will stop the knife-wielding meth-head from Florida, or the incel piece of shit that brought a stolen gun to your high school, or the violent mob trying to burn down your neighborhood, or the tyrant trying to take over the world.
I don't know about you but I'm sick and fucking tired about hearing about bad things happening to the few salt of the earth good people out there because a bunch of rich and half rich bastards told them the desire to learn to defend themselves is evil. Don't be a victim, stop trying to make everyone else victims with you because you're insecure in your own abilities to defend yourself. Because when some crazy motherfucker tries to kill you, it'll be too late.
Furthermore, it is my belief that the Federal Reserve should be abolished.
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